Elite Matrimony- Review and Feedback of the Exclusive and Personalized Matchmaking service from Bharat Matrimony

They say matches are made in heaven, but then, the task of finding a match is left to us, the people living here down on earth. Decades ago Bharat Matrimony pioneered the process of taking matchmaking online, away from the clutches of marriage brokers who had limited profiles and charged hefty fee for their services. Now there’re dozens of websites offering match making facilities and there’re even dedicated sites for second weddings. Every site claims to have the best match for you and finding right match among thousands of profiles is such a herculean task, we wish the god above should have published somewhere the match he/she has worked out, so that we can simply go refer that list and get married.
A large number of Indians today are financially well off, globally travelled and have great expectations from their life partners. Conventional match making sites that list anyone and everyone cannot cater to exclusive needs of highly demanding generation Y. So what to do? Welcome Elite Matrimony.

Elite Matrimony is a premium and personalised service from Bharat Matrimony. It aims to cater to the needs of upper middle class and richer individuals who have high expectations from their prospective partners, are pressed for time and need very high levels of privacy in this highly personal and sensitive matter of finding a life partner. Elite matrimony has well established process to meet expectations of such individuals and families.

Take example someone I know-Naresh Kumar (name changed), an NRI settled abroad. For him, time is money and can’t afford to spend months meeting hundreds of prospective brides. He is also particular about what he expects from his partner and how she will able to help him manage and grow his business back in Canada. He gets lots of matchmaking requests because of his high financial levels and NRI status, but he finds it near impossible to decide if a prospect is genuinely interested in him or simply after him because of his wealth. He could definitely appreciate a well-trained 3rd party individual who would do some discrete pre-screening and short list only those girls who have an inclination to be a business woman in future and be a globetrotter like him, supporting in his business and personal ambitions. 
It is same for celebrities, models, successful authors, businessmen/women. While they do get hundreds of matchmaking offers, they can’t go about meeting and checking everyone, nor they wish to make their personal priorities and preferences public. For individuals like Naresh, Elite Matrimony makes the whole process and experience a lot simpler and efficient.

Below are some unique features that makes Elite Matrimony very unique.

Largest data base of elite profiles: Elite Matrimony only signs up high net worth individuals, celebrities in various fields, successful professionals, entrepreneurs and industrialists. For newly enrolled elite members such as NHIs, entrepreneurs, celebrities, the elite matrimony team assesses their profile to ensure eligibility into this exclusive service.

Dedicated Relationship managers: Elite Matrimony assigns well trained relationship managers to those who sign up. These RMs spend quality time to understand the member and their needs better, help create perfect profiles for the members and work for them with high levels of confidentiality and discreteness.

Profiles are not exposed to other members: Unlike other websites, elite matrimony doesn’t expose its member profile or photo to other members who sign up. Profiles are revealed to select members after relationship managers handpicks best matches considering both profiles from culture, family background, interests and other parameters. Once carefully selected profiles are shortlisted and both parties agree, a call or a meeting is organized to take the discussion to next level. This discreet and confidential pre-screening eliminates several profiles on which one would have otherwise wasted lots of time.

Elite Matrimony offers 3, 6 and 12 month memberships for elite individuals looking for a life partner. One can check out the elite matrimony website and sign up here.

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