QuestNet reopens as Lotus Marketing in Sri Lanka?

Quest Net (aka Gold Quest) is yet another network marketing company which sells overpriced products to members and encourages these members to bring more members to buy its products and gives commission to member when new member signs up under him and buys the product. A binary pyramid kind of compensation plan where in one gets his money back only if he makes around a dozen of his friends/relatives sign up under him, a system wherein only few percentage of people at the very top of the pyramid reap huge benefits while almost everyone else (around 98%) lose their money to their up liners while pursuing a nonexistent dream of financial freedom and instant richness.

Simply put, this is akin to MLM scams and Quest net is banned in several countries- US, Srilanka, Afghanistan, Iran and many more because this kind of scheme loots people of their hard earned money and drains millions of dollars of money out of the country. They are operational in India, Singapore and several other countries, for the sole reason that there’re no stringent laws under which their operation can be declared illegal.

We can go on discussing pros and cons of network marketing and keep arguing if QuestNet is legal or illegal. Internet is full of anti Questnet reviews explaining how almost everyone lose money in Questnet and you can find lots of such posts with a simple search. Let me not reinvent the wheel and focus on a special issue here.

Questnet was banned in Sri Lanka recently after it drained millions of dollars of foreign exchange out of the country, severely affecting nation’s economy.[News] If QuestNet feel they were banned for no reason, they should have convinced Srilankan Government that they are innocent and genuine and try to get the ban lifted. But, it is evident that they have silently opened another company in Sri Lanka, under the name lotus marketing and have started the business as usual, hunting for new prospects and abandoning millions of their earlier IRs (of Quest.Net).

Details of Lotus Marketing launch function can be found here. Their website is supposed to be which is booked under a discrete domain (so is, meaning identity of domain owner not disclosed) and is under construction as of now. The conclusion that this company is directly related to earlier QuestNet is drawn from the fact that Lotus Marketing is selling the same products which QN was selling. (BioDisc, Pendants etc, only missing thing is gold coin, which might have been excluded because Gold Coin will draw immediate relation with Questnet which sold huge number of gold coins and is known more for gold coins than any other product). Elakiri, a Sri Lankan community forum has a detailed discussion going on in one of their threads here on this topic.

Quest Net’s Amezcua BioDisc (An useless piece of glass priced at INR 22000 which its promoters claim will cure so many diseases including cancer- More on this product in a separate post soon) presentation says QuestNet has exclusive marketing rights to sell it. So if Lotus Marketing is selling this disc, it has to have backing of QuestNet.

I have already written in my earlier post that network marketing/MLM companies keep their physical assets and presence to minimum so that it will be very easy for them to pack up overnight and re appear later in a totally new disguise.

Questnet Kingpin Vijay Eswaran did nothing to protect the interests of millions of IRs in the countries where Questnet was banned. Those IRs were neigher compensated, nor any visible attempt was made to prove to governments that their business is legitimate and ban deserves to be lifted. What has done clearly indicates its intentions are not good and this development (Questnet abandoning its IRs post ban and re appearing in a new name all afresh) should be an alarm for company’s IRs in India and other countries- If QuestNet is banned in India tomorrow, all these members (Independent Representatives) will be left unaware without any compensation for the money they pumped in but haven’t yet recovered. After few months the same promoters of QuestNet, who made billions sucking hard earned money of new members, will re appear to launch a new company and start their fooling business afresh. The blind faith and belief of the IRs may not allow them to believe in all these, but this is the ground reality and its in their own interest that they stay prepared.

Update: As predicted, several thousand IRs have registered complaint against QuestNet India in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and AP. Chennai Police are currently investigating the operations of this company.

Disclaimer: Information in this post are based on the information available with the author at the time of composing this post, sourced from multiple reliable sources and subsequent analysis. Please use your discretion.

Also read: An analysis of network Marketing companies * Amway Inside story-Merchants of Deception * 12 Reasons why MLM companies go bad

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