How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

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Let's get to the point! CSV files are often exploited in circumstances when users require large quantities of data exported from specific databases. The CSV (Comma Separated Value) raw data spreadsheet resembles an Excel file (it has the same structure of rows and columns), but the thing that differentiates it the most from .xslx files is its universal formatting. Because of that formatting, a .csv file can be seen on every device and computer, no matter what operating system is installed on the machine at that given time.

This absolute viewability is an extremely rare feature that very few formats have, and because most people don’t know this amazing feature of the CSV, they often rely on transforming the CSV file to PDF before sending it to coworkers and collaborators.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

The PDF is a much more popular format which also has the ability to be seen perfectly on every OS/device, but its main function is to convert other formats (like MS Office files, Autocad, Publisher etc.) to PDF, ensuring that the recipient will be able to properly observe them. The PDF however has a slight downside to it, because it cannot be edited easily.

In the event where you have a CSV file stuck in an uneditable PDF, a user needs to extract all the data from the read-only PDF with a specially designed software which can then rearrange all that data back to CSV form, making it fitting for edition once more.

In light of all this, we wanted to share with you a program that performs this type of operation with acute precision.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

PDF Converter Elite 5 users can choose from two available options for PDF to CSV conversion; the classic automatic option, and the custom advanced one, which offers more complex editing options. So let’s show you how it’s done.

Basic (Automatic) Conversion

Once you’ve opened the PDF in question by going to the Open button, in the upper part of the screen you’ll find the CSV button.
How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

When you click on it, an additional window will open on the right side, next to the preview of the document.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

In the Select area, you can select specific parts of the document to convert. You can use either your mouse (to drag it across the desired part of the page), or select the page range (just type the number of the first and the last page, with a “-” in between). There is also a Select All Pages option, if you want to convert the whole document.

By clicking on the Settings button, you can adjust the type of analysis (the full analysis option is set up by default).

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

Complex (Advanced) Conversion

The first part is the same, open a PDF file, click the CSV button and select the area of the document. When you’ve selected the parts of the document you want to convert, click on the Advanced Options button.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

On your document you’ll see that the green lines will appear, and they allow you to manually decide how your future CSV file will look like.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

In the advanced bar you have numerous detailed options, where you can add/delete tables, rows and columns. Each table, row and column can be manually moved to the exact location you require, and click on the preview button to preview how it’ll all look once the file is converted. 

In the Tables section, click the Add button to add more tables, or Delete button, to remove a table. If you change your mind and want to try from scratch, click on Replot

If you want to add columns or rows, click on the appropriate button and then click on the document area you wish to add the column/row. The green line will appear upon clicking and you will be able to move it across the document.

You can also choose to apply these new changes to either that specific page, or if you find it more convenient, the entire document can have that exact layout. If you want to apply the changes to the current page only, just tick that box. If you want to apply these changes to multiple pages, check Page Range section, you will find it at the top of that sidebar, as shown on the image below.

How to Convert PDF to CSV With PDF Converter Elite

This program has a 7 day free trial period, and it offers many other conversion types including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, AutoCad, Publisher, HTML, Image and OpenOffice, so whatever kind of PDF you need converted, you’ll have a handle on it.

We hope you found this article informative and useful, and the next time you need to convert a PDF to CSV, you’ll overcome that issue with ease.

*by andreascy*

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