How to Convert PDF File to JPG Format for Free

Description :

More than 20 years after its creation, the PDF format is still the most used way of packaging text and images into shareable documents and files. However, if you wish to edit your PDF content, (to export images, for example) you’ll need to get some help, most often in the form of productivity software. The biggest culprit for that: The PDF format itself, which does not allow you to manipulate it easily. 

How to Convert PDF File to JPG Format for Free

Now, there are two options in situations like these. One is to find and buy an expensive PDF conversion software which can easily convert your PDF to an editable file type. The second option is to find a dependable online converter that can do the exact same job. As you might imagine, one of those solutions involves spending a couple of hundred euros and one doesn’t. Can you guess which is which? Bingo! Long live the free online tools. 

Today, we are going to use one brand new PDF to JPG converter (from a reputable company) to show you just how easy it is to transform PDFs into images in 2017. 

Before we go on to the tutorial, here is a list of that tool's features: 

● Unlimited number of conversions

● Conversions are instant

● Completely free

● No ads

● No downloads

● No need to leave your email 

● No limitations on the file size

As you will see, it also has a simple and intuitive interface that anyone can understand. So, without any further ado, here is how to convert PDF file to JPG:

Click on the upload button and select the PDF file from your computer. 

How to Convert PDF File to JPG Format for Free

2. Press Convert and Let The Tool Do Its Job 

Using this app, you can convert almost any PDF file can be converted, large or small, basic or complex.

How to Convert PDF File to JPG Format for Free

3. Your JPG is Ready

Once the progress bar loads up, click the download button to download your JPG file. 

How to Convert PDF File to JPG Format for Free

The conversion quality is spot on and the converted files are delivered in a zipped folder. As for your document security, Investintech claims that once you download your document, both the PDF and the JPG files are deleted from their servers.

So, there you go guys. A quick little tutorial with a tool that can save you a lot of time when the going gets tough. Check it out and leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

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*by andreascy*

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