Presentation Prep: Convert PDF to PowerPoint

Description :

It’s highly likely that you have, at some point in your life, faced the struggles of public speaking. As you might know from general experience, public speaking is an art form in itself and is not for the most faint hearted. It takes guts, dedication, talent and a swimming pool of self-confidence just to get started and double of everything to be proficient at it. So, is everything lost for the common man?

Presentation Prep: Convert PDF to PowerPoint

No, because there are online tools that you can use to help you out when you’re in a one way street. This time, we are focusing on a tool that can help you prepare your presentations and save countless of hours in the process. To put it simply, it’s Investintech latest protege: PDF to PowerPoint converter

Why Would I Convert PDF to PowerPoint, you May Ask?

Well, look at it this way: before you can hold your presentation you need to prepare it and the digitally literate person of 2016 usually prepares his work online. Since the PDF is the most popular file format on the Internet it’s only logical that you will, at some point in your prep, get a hold of a bunch of PDF documents that you will need to use for your presentation. With that in mind, Investintech created this PDF to PPT converter to save you time, money and nerves. And let’s face it, since you’re about to go speak in front of a bunch of people, you might as well spend more time preparing the actual appearance instead of manually retyping PDFs. 

The tool is completely web based and simple to use. There are no limitations to the file sizes or the number of conversions at that matter, but there is one really important feature to address. 

This one, unlike its competitors, enables you to convert scanned PDFs to PowerPoint as well since it has an integrated OCR. OCR is basically an Optical Character Recognition software, which reads the image, recognizes the letters and turns them into their corresponding digital values. Sounds neat, right? 

Let’s see it in action as all it takes are just 3 simple clicks:

1. Select and Upload Your PDF 

All file sizes are supported and you can go through the same process virtually unlimited number of times.

Presentation Prep: Convert PDF to PowerPoint

2. Type In the Email Address 

You’ll get your converted file delivered here so make sure to use a genuine email. 

Presentation Prep: Convert PDF to PowerPoint

3. Hit Start to Commence the Conversion 

The output file is a fully editable .pptx document and all files are kept on Investintech servers for 24 hours, after which they get deleted.

Presentation Prep: Convert PDF to PowerPoint

 If you do miss it, do not be worried as you can just re-upload your file and go through the same process again. 


The tool is definitely worthy of bookmarking as it does a great job at what it says. It keeps the formatting as close as possible to the original document, while maintaining the document layout and it quickly provides you with a usable PowerPoint document. This simple web app can save you hours, believe it or not, and even though it’s something that’s used from time to time it’s great value for the fact that it’s completely free. 

So bookmark, convert and go and make history.

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*by andreascy*

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