The Hottest Fitness Gadgets on the Market

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Wearable fitness technology is all the rave right now from wristband trackers to electronic compression shirts. These, plus other gadgets, help monitor every aspect of a person’s workout from checking vitals and tracking weight goals to meeting and connecting with others. 

The Hottest Fitness Gadgets on the Market

If you’re looking for something to help bring your workout into the 21st century, check out these new and awesome fitness gadgets.

Benefits of Fitness Technology

Between wearable technology, smartphones and mobile fitness apps, fitness technology has the potential to revolutionize the world of workouts. For personal trainers, these devices can free up one-on-one time with clients and help them manage their fitness businesses. For consumers, fitness technology can help them meet whatever personal training or health goals they have from losing weight to just feeling better about themselves. The benefits of fitness technology are extensive. 

 They are convenient to use.

 Consumers can monitor their own activity and fitness goals.

 They can bring fun and excitement into a person’s workout routine.

 Fitness gadgets enhance the experience of physical exercise.

 They help consumers make the best use of modern technology.

Some of the coolest new fitness gadgets come with smart technology, which allows consumers to connect them via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and that have social sharing features to keep consumers motivated and informed. Some of the newer fitness gadgets with smart technology feature processors from Snapdragon, which include integrated CPU, GPU, DSP and sensor processing. 

This technology lets users connect to their smartphones or tablets to upload and keep track of fitness activity. Items to consider when purchasing fitness include ease of use, battery life and purpose of measurement. 

Popular Wearable Fitness Gadgets

There are many fitness and exercise gadgets on the market, with the most common being:

 Wristband fitness tracker: There is a wide variety of wristband trackers from detecting sleep quality to measuring calories. The best trackers are the ones that sync automatically and can be used with all your devices. The Fitbit Flex tracks steps, distance and calories burned during the day, and sleep quality at night. It also gently wakes you in the morning.

 Samsung Gear Live: This Android smart watch acts as a personalized fitness manager by providing real-time information on the results and progress of your workout through its optical heart rate sensor. The Samsung Gear Live can be worn 24/7 to keep track of your activities throughout the day and runs on a Snapdragon 400 processor. It is dust and water resistant. 

 Notch Body Tracker: This wearable fitness device is worn in tandem with a number of trackers to provide even more detailed data. It tracks not only the number of steps taken in a day, but also their speed, acceleration and force. 

 Sports Sensors: Zepp’s Sports Sensors connect to baseball bats, golf gloves and tennis rackets and provides real-time data about the swings, angles at impact, speed and more. 

Whether you’re training for a marathon, want to lose a few pounds or you’re simply motivated to live a healthier lifestyle, wearable fitness gadgets have many benefits. This technology can help anyone with their fitness goals, and this fad doesn’t appear to be losing traction anytime soon.

*by andreascy*

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