A Loving Son's Gift Guide: 4 Tools for Your Tech-Savvy Mother

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Your mother has threatened to become a technology ninja for the past decade. Maybe she once went wild playing "Grand Theft Auto" on the Playstation 2 and refused to give up the controller, but your mom’s enthusiasm for high-tech gizmos and gadgets is typically fleeting. This year, though, things are different. Mom is geeking out. OK, so maybe she is still more of a Candy Crush queen than a Wi-Fi warrior. You can help broaden her technological horizons with the following tools, a gift-giving guide for any loving son to turn his mother into a tech know-it-all.

Amazon Prime

Mom has always been an entertainment nut. In fact, she can quote her favorite Seinfeld episodes like the back of her hand (No, mom. Please. Don't). It’s your job to open her up to a whole new world of entertainment.

Amazon Prime by magerleagues


Photo by magerleagues via Flickr

First things first: Make mom the proud owner of a new Kindle Fire. After that, buy her a subscription to Amazon Prime, which gives her unlimited access to Amazon’s library of streaming videos. Also, with Amazon Prime the items bought from the Amazon store are shipped for free using standard or two-day delivery. If mom wasn’t a big online shopper before, she will be now.

Portability at Your Fingertips

If mom still spends her computer time sending emails on a desktop from the Dark Ages, a dial-up dinosaur, then it is high time for an upgrade.

Lenovo ThinkPad by Intel DE

Photo by Intel DE via Flickr

From laptops and ultrabooks to light, razor-thin and travel-ready tablets, Check out gifts from Lenovo, which has durable and affordable tech gear for all styles and tastes. Hey mom, this is the modern world. You need portability at your fingertips.


While so much of modern technology is about staying connected and up-to-the-minute on social media sites, what about some frivolous, good old fashion fun? If mom is engaged in a task around the house (or simply trying to level-up in a game of Plants vs. Zombies) and the doorbell rings, she can’t be expected to drop everything and answer it, right? No worries; the DoorBot will tell her who is at the door. 

Doorbot by AskDaveTaylor

Photo by AskDaveTaylor via Flickr

The DoorBot uses Wi-Fi and a night vision camera, which allows mom to see who is knocking. She can even talk with the visitor using an Android or iOS smartphone. The DoorBot is the modern version of Rosie the robot from "The Jetsons."

GPS Traveling Companion

Sure, a smartphone can get mom around town. And it is certainly better than wrestling with an old and partially ripped Rand McNally. However, there is something to be said for a GPS unit. Perhaps it is the feeling of suction-cupping the device to the car windshield that we love.

GPS Garmin nüvi by Anders Lageras

Photo by Anders Lageras via Flickr

Perhaps it is the fact that once we listen to the voice of the GPS, we can’t help but the give it a name and make it a member of our family. Large text, clear graphics and easy-to-use voice control make the Garmin Nuvi 2555 GPS system a spectacular traveling companion.

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*by andreascy*

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