Use Video to Help Mobile Viewers Connect to Your Products & Services

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Americans increasingly want content delivered directly into the palms of their hands. In the fourth quarter of 2013, U.S. mobile-data revenue jumped to $24.8 billion, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. That’s a 20 percent increase, which experts are attributing to the ongoing spike of people using smartphones, tablets and in-vehicle infotainment. Meanwhile, the Cisco Visual Networking Index reported that mobile data traffic grew 81 percent overall last year. 

Use Video to Help Mobile Viewers Connect to Your Products & Services

These numbers are difficult to ignore. The technology is in place to provide users with clear, informative and creative video content—and now is the time to update how your business shares its stories on the mobile video platform.

Mobile Video Should Stand Alone

Most smartphones can view videos sent through mobile apps or via Web browsers through Flash technology. What you see on YouTube on your desktop is the same video you’d see on your phone or tablet, for example. However, from a marketing standpoint, mobile video ought to take into consideration the ultra-brevity of the medium and short attention span of the mobile user.

The Mobile Marketing Association lists 10 characteristics of a successful mobile marketing video campaign. The MMA suggests businesses start with a mobile perspective and work from there by connecting mobile video into a company’s primary site and landing pages.

Multi-screen connectivity is another priority. The MMA cites how many smartphone users juggle multiple devices at the same time, viewing a video on one while navigating the Web or an app on another. Understanding user habits from device to device will help tailor video for an iPad or an Android smartphone, knowing how video looks and feels in the different formats. Ask yourself if the video is fit for an app, or does it exist purely inside a website viewed through a mobile browser? There’s a different feel and the ease of navigation varies. So as you create a campaign, never forget to think like each specific type of mobile user.

Strengthen Your YouTube Presence

If your company doesn’t use YouTube, it’s time to launch a channel. There’s a lot to consider, though, before you attempt to tap into an audience that includes one billion unique viewers each month.

Brand messaging should be consistent with your company’s primary media. To reach the most viewers possible, video content needs to be posted regularly, so the audience grows familiar with seeing recurring features or brand messages. Sharing video links through social networks like Facebook and Twitter helps capture mobile viewers’ attention.

Optimizing videos on YouTube is also critical, especially if your company is new to video. The average user must be able to find it based on keywords related to your services or products.

Not every company has a team of videographers to produce original content, however. In this case, use stock video through Shutterstock or a similar service. You'll get colorful, inexpensive visuals to accompany your product descriptions or company stories, and these sites have footage for just about anything you could look for.

SEE ALSO: 5 Cool Things You Can Do With The Leading Video Editing Software Programs

With today’s media consumption habits, video helps spread messages. What ideas do you have? Let us know in the comments.

*by andreascy*

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