Valparaiso, Chile. Viña del Mar beach area pics

Though Valparaiso city has sea shore all along, part of it is the port, restricted for general public, a part is reclaimed space wherein there’s just enough space for people to walk near the sea (a rough equivalent of Marine drive) and only one part of it, near Vina Del Mar is open for public as a beach. Adjacent to the beach are high rise apartment complexes and of course some facilities like eating joints, parks, bicycle lane, shops etc.
This post shares some beach side photos
A creative art of crocodile made from sand... people had thrown in a few coins there... Night view of the city
Few guys were attempting surfing in the sea... And dedicated boxes were put in place, so that dog owners can put the waste in it...
    surferdog-waste    sunset-at-beach sunset
A container ship could be seen few kms from the shore
msc-ship eating-joints valparaiso-beach parks

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