A tale of abandoned topics

There were several topics in my mind which I was considering blogging about, but have abandoned them later due to various reasons. This post is a quick intro to few such topics which would have appeared as a post in this blog but unfortunately didn’t/couldn’t.
 1 Blogging vs Movie making
                I thought of comparing blogging and movie making, and highlight the similarities. (for example, a. it is difficult to give hit movies all the time and similarly it is not practical to expect each post to be very popular, b. Each movie is released with lots of expectations and hope. The cast and crew await public response eagerly after release-same with blogger-he eagerly awaits what his readers may say on the latest post…and few more such observations)
                But scrapped the idea because I felt that reasons are not strong enough to associate blogging with movie making alone. Almost everything in life is equally challenging-the new project at work, a new tournament, the next academic year-almost everything involves anticipations, hope, expectations. Right?
 2 Posts that were overhauled completely
                Whenever required I keep refining my contents. I don’t do a publish and forget job. Several posts have undergone multiple updates-some typical reasons for update are: correcting syntactical/factual error, adding additional information/image, refining the content for SEO purposes/better readability, linking to similar posts and so on. Most of the time changes will be quite small, but nevertheless, regular readers, who read my post within a day or two of its publication, often miss these updates. I can’t ask readers to read the whole post again because I’ve revised it, nor it is feasible to list every small change.
                But some posts have undergone major changes since its first publication. The post on Skandagiri was first written as an experience account. But since it started attracting visitors looking for tourist information about the place, I split the post into two sections-experience account and tourist information. The legendary Club Mahindra post has evolved a lot over time and is a lot refined and mature now, than what it was initially written. In post navigation, excerpts from interview with Club Mahindra executives, disclaimer, 2008 membership price list etc were provided over a period of time. The BMTC Volvo post was constantly updated to include latest available timetable information, route info etc. In some cases the comment written by readers were so relevant/informative that I absorbed them in the body of the post (with due credits of course-like this post) and more
                 Was thinking of publishing a post listing those posts which have undergone major revamps, but dropped it, because such posts (posts listing summary of posts , best of 2007 and the likes) were never popular in this blog. Reading once is itself a big task- don’t think anyone really cares to read it second time.
  3. Journalism and Investment experience part 2
Have written earlier about my teenage journalism experience and investment experiences. Some points which were left in those posts-was planning for a part 2. But have covered most of the points in few recent posts (the SBI one and this post), so had to drop the idea of part 2
 4.  Reliance-Digitally fooling everyone
                Reliance seems to be obsessed with the term “Digital”. Way back in 2002, when Reliance launched its mobile phone service, with that legendary LG handset and a scheme wherein user had to pay some Rs. 24k over 3 years, Reliance used to call those ugly handsets as “Digital Multimedia handset”. If you’re able to visualize those handsets, just think, if those handsets were “Digital Multimedia handsets” what would they call today’s Nokia N95, iPhone etc? Only Ambani has to tell what is so digital and what was so multimedia in that handset. The advertisement those days used to show an image of K3G, a popular movie of those times, giving people an impression that they can watch movies like K3G in the handset if they buy them, which was purely misleading.
               Their current ad again speaks about Digital Voice clarity. As per my knowledge no mobile operator is using analog technology for telecommunication. So thought of blogging about this. But a quick chat with Jayasimha, a telecom engineer, revealed that CDMA is supposed to have better voice clarity than GSM. With that concluded that the case is not strong enough for a post. (This post was planned for our Ad Critics blog)
 5. Tourist places
                Have visited several places during past 9 months-Places around Mysore, Coorg, Mumbai, Manipal and more (and Many more trips lined up for near Future!) Wanted to blog about places like Dubare elephant camp, Talakaveri, Talakad, Shivanasamudra and more, but lack of unique content is holding me back. Have some photos and some basic tourist information, but these are already available on internet and since I have no unique experience/extra information/observations to share, not sure if writing a typical post-“went there-saw that-it was nice-came back” would add much value.
 6. Grand Theft Auto-Vice City Game review
Long back I’d reviewed this game from Rockstar Games and published this review in Mouthshut. Republished this in March in my blog but recalled the post after few days because of these reasons: a. With GTA 4 making record sales and rocking all over,  it’s a bit too late to talk about Vice City b. When I read my own review, after few years since it was originally written, felt that it could have been written in a far better way than the plain vanilla description of the game. Didn’t have the time to refine the contents and decided not to serve an uninteresting version to my readers.
 Do you think any of these topics deserve to be detailed and independent posts?
 That’s it in this episode. Now can you tell me the supreme irony of this post?

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