Recipes from Macedonia

So I spent the first half of my week on this "cleanse" diet where I was literally living off of baby carrots and protein shakes. I used to laugh at people who did that sort of thing. But dammit, I really wanted all that extra Christmas cookie weight to go away. By the end of the third day I was worried I was going to sleepwalk to the fridge and eat a whole pint of ice cream, but sense prevailed (or possibly the total absence of sense, depending on how you feel about this sort of thing). Anyway I got through it, it worked, and I am now capable of rationally discussing food without bursting into anguished tears of dismay.

I'm glad that Macedonia was my re-introduction to my blog-life, because it was a fairly simple meal, it tasted good and it didn't take me all day to prepare. I picked three recipes:
Selsko Meso is a traditional pork and beef dish with tomatoes and cream.
Pogacha with White Cheese.  These are kind of like dinner rolls only with feta cheese baked into them.
Bombici. These are chocolate truffles made with cocoa powder, crushed cookies and a splash of rum.

So you may have noticed I'm organizing things a little differently starting today, because I want my blog to be a lot more Pinterest- and search engine-friendly than it's been in the past. I know, it's a really boring reason to reorganize everything, but hey, I want more readers. So the first thing I'm doing is putting all the actual recipes and related info on their own individual pages, which should make Google happier, but will hopefully also make for a faster read and a less confusing layout.

So. The links above will take you to each of the three recipes, with some details about all the drama involved in creating them. Enjoy!
Next time: Madagascar (I like to move it move it!!)

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