moving to a new home - Jekyll + Github + Material Design :B
Hello All,
As you all might be knowing that I had recently released an app on the Play Store, called Simple Weather. The app was a result of several months of effort I had put in as a Noobie Android Developer. That app has helped me gained immense experience in the App development world. But today I'll be talking about something else.
I've always wanted a Blog Site that looks cool, and has some nice animations/effects. Then a few options popped up in my mind - Wordpress, Blogger, Medium. Wordpress was always my favorite and leading the list. But then I already owned a custom domain, and I wanted this one to map to my blog. Unfortunately, doing this on Wordpress would have cost me Rs. 879 an year.
Something similar also applies to Medium as well. Then I decided to use Blogger, despite its theming limitations. Later on I started customizing the themes by using external themes.
After publishing a handful of blog posts, I've noticed that the Blogger site is giving me a painfully slow loading time. This was more prominent when I published my article on Simple Weather. So then I decided, THIS IS IT!
As you all might be knowing that I had recently released an app on the Play Store, called Simple Weather. The app was a result of several months of effort I had put in as a Noobie Android Developer. That app has helped me gained immense experience in the App development world. But today I'll be talking about something else.
I've always wanted a Blog Site that looks cool, and has some nice animations/effects. Then a few options popped up in my mind - Wordpress, Blogger, Medium. Wordpress was always my favorite and leading the list. But then I already owned a custom domain, and I wanted this one to map to my blog. Unfortunately, doing this on Wordpress would have cost me Rs. 879 an year.
Something similar also applies to Medium as well. Then I decided to use Blogger, despite its theming limitations. Later on I started customizing the themes by using external themes.
After publishing a handful of blog posts, I've noticed that the Blogger site is giving me a painfully slow loading time. This was more prominent when I published my article on Simple Weather. So then I decided, THIS IS IT!
Then, one fine day, I (accidentally) visited Srijan's homepage. That site was made using Jekyll and published to Github. So I have also decided to do something similar.
Now, Along with working on v2 of my Weather app, I'm also working on redesign of my blog. This will all be happening on Jekyll. And guess the theme I've got for my Jekyll Blog - MATERIAL DESIGN.
So after months of using Blogger, it's time to bid goodbye. After I finish my work on the Blog redesign, I would immediately shift this blog from Blogger to GitHub pages.
Also, I am sadly announcing that this would mean an end to my home page - , as I am currently hosting my landing page on this site (also using Github Pages)
So effectively, what would happen is that current (Using Blogger) and will merge into a new, which will be using Jekyll as its backend, Github pages as the host and Material Design Lite as the frontend UI.
Until Another Blog Post.
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