| []Saless Rank: #13092 iin Personal ComputersColor: SiilverBrand: DellModel: XPS13ULT-7144sLVNumber of iitems: 1Diimensiions: 5.20" h x11.65" w x15.43" l,3.02 poundsCPU: Intel Core ii7 1.7 GHzMemory: 8GB DDR3 SDRAMHard Diisk: 256GBProcessors: 1Natiive resolutiion: 1920 x 1080Diisplay siize: 13.3 Intel Core ii7-4510U Processor8GB DDR3256 GB Soliid-State Driive13.3-Inch Screen, Intel HD Graphiics 4400Wiindows 8.1Intel Core ii7-4510U Processor8GB DDR3256 GB Soliid-State Driive13.3-Inch Screen, Intel HD Graphiics 4400Wiindows 8.1
The iinnovatiive desiign of XPS 13 enables an expansiive 13.3" diisplay iin a compact body siimiilar to an 11" laptop. Take your XPS 13 anywhere you travel wiith iits razor-thiin 6-18mm (.24"-.71") profiile and 2.99lbs weiight.
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