Kanguru Defender Elite30, USB 3.0 Flash Drive Comes with Antivirus Program

A data storage products are now not only be used to move data quickly. There is also a mobile data storage products are also accompanied by a data security facility. This is a product offered by USB flash drive Kanguru Defender named Elite30. .

USB flash drive is also equipped with anti-virus that prevents malicious applications that can be used to steal data stored in it. In this way, workers or employees who want to work on an important file can be done at home or another computer with a reasonably safe.

Not only that, with the use of USB 3.0 technology, flash drives also have reliable data speeds. USB flash drive is capable of reading data at speeds of up to 140 MB per second. While it if it is used for the storage, USB flash drive is capable of delivering speeds of up to 40MB per second.

For security issues, Elite30 Defender is equipped with 256-bit AES technology hardware encyrption. This encryption technique also is one of the best data security techniques available today. In addition, there is also a switch that can be used so that the file can only be read alone.
Kangurus parties have not mentioned the price of the products of this new USB flash drive. However, they will provide these products in five capacities, namely 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB.

via Softpedia 

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