HP Chromebook 11 Review - Best HP Chromebook 2014

HP Chromebook 11 is available in following colors and color combinations.HP Chromebook 11 Black model,  HP Chromebook 11 (White/Blue),  HP Chromebook 11 (White/Red),  HP Chromebook 11 (White/Green) & HP Chromebook 11 (White/Yellow). Here we would be discussing about  HP Chromebook 11 (White/Blue) model.
HP Chromebook 11 Review & Info
Chromebooks are mobile computing devices, designed specifically for Web-based tasks. They are differentiate from traditional laptops in few points.First Point is Chromebooks run on Web based task, not on traditional computer software or applications. You can create documents & spreadsheets or modify photos on a Chromebook using Google apps designed for these purposes.

Chromebooks will not load default windows apps like Microsoft office, Adobe photoshop or else, but you can modify them using Google apps on your Chromebook or cloud-based applications like Microsoft’s Office web apps.

HP Chromebook 11: Made with Google

Interesting thing is that, you are storing your files on cloud, not on your chromebook. Similar to Acer C720 Chromebook you can log on to your chromebook using your credentials to log in to your account and manage your files stored on Google Drive (Google's Cloud-based storage service). Likewise if you are giving your HP Chromebook 11 to anyone, they will login to their account and manage their files, so there will be no issue of deleting or loosing any data. All your data will be stored on Google Drive (Google's Cloud-based storage service). You will get 100GB online storage with Google Drive.

Your files are password-protected and secure, and you can access them from anywhere there's an Internet connection. If you know you'll want access to a file or photo offline, however, you can easily save it to the built-in 16 GB Solid-State Drive.

 HP Chromebook 11 battery life is expected to be around 6 hours.slips easily into a bag or purse, and weighs just over 2 pounds – so it’s equally comfortable at home or keeping up with the things you do everyday.

You can make video call or video chat using HP Chromebook 11 & it's sound quality is loud and digitally-tuned.HP Chromebook 11 charger is the same charger you use for your android smartphones. Chromebooks run Chrome OS, an operating system that’s fast, simple and secure. Chromebook updates itself automatically (and for free). So you’ll always have the latest and greatest version of chrome OS all the time. You need not to download and update it all the times.

About Virus protection, Chromebooks are designed in such a way that verified boot system will keep your chromebook safe from viruses, malware and other computer nasties.

HP Chromebook 11 Specification
  • 11.6" IPS display with 16:9 aspect ratio with 1366 x 768 pixel resolution.
  • 297 x 192 x 17.6mm (not including feet)
  • Ports : Two USB 2.0 ports & MicroUSB for 15.75W charging and SlimPort video output
  • Exynos 5250 GAIA Application Processor
  • 2GB (4x 4Gbit) DDR3 RAM
  • 16GB Solid State Drive
  • Your Chromebook has up to 6 hours of active use (30 Wh battery)
  • 100 GB Google Drive cloud storage, free for two years.
  • 60-day free trial with Google Play Music All Access, and $9.99 per month after that.
  • 12 free sessions of GoGo Inflight Internet.
 Buy HP Chromebook 11

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