8 Reasons to Buy the iPhone 5c

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A few weeks ago the Spotify app stopped working on my old phone, a Samsung Galaxy Ace. The phone itself was just too old to support the new flashy Spotify app. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

On it's own that would have been alright, but to me it just added to the long list of annoyances I had with limited space on top of the list. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

So it was time for an upgrade, and what phone offers a better upgrade than an iPhone right? I had to choose between the iPhone 4s, the iPhone 5c and the iPhone 5s. Tough choice, but eventually, after camping out in the phone store for about two hours and nearly driving the staff insane I chose the iPhone 5c. Here are eight reasons why i bought this phone and why you should too: 

1. Add Some Color In Your Life 

It’s probably the first thing you notice when you see the iPhone 5c. The colors are amazing and pop out, especially when you compare them to the limited colors of the iPhone 4s and iPhone 5s. The iPhone 5c comes in white, green, blue, pink and yellow with the familiar black front. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

Personally I strongly believe in the theory that colors have an influence on our emotions and focus, which is why I choose blue. Blue helps you focus and relax, and it keeps you awake. It’s also my favorite color. 

2. It’s The Biggest Out Of The Three Versions

Okay, so the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c have about the same screen sizes at 4 inch (the total height between the two only differentiates by 0.03 inch). 

8 Reasons to Buy the iPhone 5c

But when you compare that to the 3.5 inch screen of the iPhone 4s the difference is big, especially in the land of smartphones

3. The screen is beautiful

Recently I got addicted to Suits, a series about a bunch of attorneys from a big law firm in New York. I highly recommend you watch it, especially on this phone. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

The 4-inch Retina display with a 1136 by 640 resolutions lets both colors and details pop out more than in many HD TVs

4. The material it’s made off makes it less likely for the screen to crack 

I am a serious klutz. I think I dropped my old phone over a million times and to be really honest, all those horror stories about the screen of iPhones cracking after falling once make me shiver. That was the number one reason why I got an iPhone after so long. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

Turns out that plastic buffers the fall way better than metal ever will, which is kind for your screen as well. Even so, it might be a great idea to get a case when you decide to buy the iPhone 5c. As with all iPhones there is a huge variety of cases you can choose from. 

5. The iOS 7 

A big difference between the iPhone 4s and the iPhone 5c and 5s is that the latter two run on iOS 7, Apple’s newest operating system

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

iOS 7 brings a lot of changes along with it like:

● Beautifully and more minimalistic icons for apps

● A new and better Siri, with integrated Wikipedia and different voices that can be male or female.

● Control center, where you have quick access to turning things like your WiFi ON and OFF. It made the switch from Android to iPhone a whole lot easier, knowing I can change my settings just as easily. 

● Airdrop, which is Bluetooth made better. 

6. Make better pictures 

The iPhone 5c has a better front camera than the iPhone 5 and thanks to iOS 7 the camera works better, too. 

8 Reasons To Buy The iPhone 5c

You can change filters, sizes and make a panorama picture with just a tap. The pictures are amazing quality, even if the subject moves or your hand is a little shaky. 

7. It’s faster than most phones

Compared to the iPhone 5c my old phone was a tractor. Everything runs smoothly and I don’t have to wait for website pages to load or for apps to finally load any images. Of course this links back to iOS 7 again, but for those of us used to slow phones, having a phone actually run quickly is like a breath of fresh air. 

8. It’s cheaper than most iPhones

Apple is a brand that likes to give an exclusive and special feel to their products and if there is one thing that screams exclusive it’s high prices. Apple knows this, and sadly your wallet does, too. The iPhone 5c is priced slightly lower than normal iPhones and especially the 8 gig version is a good pick when you are low on cash.

SEE ALSO: How to Easily Edit and Rename Voice Recordings in iOS

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*by andreascy* 

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