Samsung Hennessy - Flippin in The New World

Old form factor design but equipped with new hardware and software, Samsung is bringing the old back with its new flip phone - the Hennessy. Sporting dual 3.3 inch HVGA Display - the outer screen paired with capacitive keys and as you flip you are welcome with the inner screen and the old reliable keypad. This will be most targeted at people that prefers the hard pressed keypads than touch screens.

Under the hood, the device houses a 1.2Ghz Quad Core processor (still unknown), a gig of RAM, and 8GB of internal storage expandable via microsd. Other than that it packs a 5MP rear camera as well as a 1500mah battery.

The Hennessy runs on the buttery smooth  Android Jellybean. Connectivity wise it does have the usual GPS, WiFi, GSM/CDMA which means yes this release is for China.

Well looking back surely the innads and OS has come a long way. From monochrome to vibrant screens, from just plain text to now instant messaging. Guess it a nice to see the blend of the old and the new.

No word yet on release for other markets but maybe it will come in the form of Galaxy Folder so lets wait and see for developments.

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