Writing mathematical equations in blogs and HTML webpages
Writing mathematical equations in blogs and HTML webpages
Actually, there is an easier and better way to write and display these mathematical equations on blogs and HTML webpages. This service is provided by CodeCogs.
You only need to write the equations in LaTex, and use the codes as they have described, and you`ll have your equation written and displayed on your blog to the viewers. Those blogging on topics concerning science and mathematics will surely know how to write equations in the excellent language called LaTex. Lots of scientific documents are written in LaTex.
For example, if you type:
<img src="http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?1+sin(x)" border="0"/>
you would obtain
However, even if you do not know how to write in LaTex, CodeCogs provide a user friendly online equation editor (http://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php) in which you can write the mathematical equations in symbols, and the editor will provide you with the appropriate piece of code that you`ll need to insert on your blog or HTML webpage to have the equation displayed.
You can learn more about Writing mathematical equations in Blogs and HTML webpages at:
The link presents the various way to use the service.
Hope this tutorial helped you to.write mathematical equations in blogs and HTML webpages
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