Have you heard about BlackBerry's new buzz?

If you haven't heard about the new exciting buzz about BlackBerry, you should definitely read this post.

A recent announcement made by Research In Motion (RIM) revealed that their new BB10 operating system is well underway for launch on January 30, 2013. According to Thorsten Heins (CEO of RIM) the old 'legacy OS' that everyone is used to seeing on current BlackBerry models has been trashed! That's right, not a single line of code from the familiar OS6 or 7 has been used in the new BB10. 

So what's the big deal, right? I mean with the ever so popular Samsung Galaxy 3 and iPhone 5 leading the market due to their ease of use and functionality, why should anyone get excited for this? Here are 3 main reason why I think you should:

1. Major hardware upgrade & a sexy touch screen

If you were ever a Blackberry user, you know that most of the time you wanted to throw that thing across the room, in the river, off a tall building because it was so god damn slow or the browser would quit on you because of insufficient memory. Oh yes, we've all been there. Well now you can relax because all of that is eliminated with a dual-core 1.5 Ghz processor, 1GB of RAM, and a better touch screen compared to an iPhone5 retina display to boot!

  • Around 40% higher resolution screen, 768x1280 vs 1136x640
  • Around 10% crisper display of text, images and video, 355 PPI vs 325 PPI
  • More than 10% larger screen, 4.2" vs 4.0"
  • 1800 maH battery so you can do more on a single charge. 

2. Time-Shift Camera

It's happened to everyone. You're taking a group picture and right at the last minute you or someone blinks which ruins the picture. After multiple re-tries, finally a somewhat worthwhile picture captured. Then you start to notice that your pose was better in the first shot than your third and now you wished the first shot had worked out.

What if you could rewind the picture?

Well, soon you will be able to with the new 8MP Camera with the Time-Shift function. Check it out in action:

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