KOREAN SHOWS: "The Healing Camp" Featuring Park Jin Young (JYP) (1)

힐링캠프 박진영 편 (1-2)

I really enjoyed watching this show, SBS's "The Healing Camp," featuring Park Jin Young (JYP).  So I chose to translate and subtitle the video for my blog readers, but only to find it's really a time-consuming job.  While working on subtitling, I just came to appreciate those uploaders (on Youtube, for example) providing subtitles for us. I uploaded the first half today and don't know exactly when I will be able to upload the second half.  Will try my best to finish it soon, though.


BTW, on the show, JPY kinda gave me a hunch that he was talking about Hayi while describing the kids he loves to work with.  Please share your thoughts on this.  The show is reportedly scheduled to have YG and BoA for the upcoming weeks too.

JYP on "The Healing Camp" part -1
(Air date: 4/30/2012)

Watch the second part of the show:

BONUS:  As follows is the excerpts from the interview (5/2/2012) with Park Seonghoon, the producer of K-pop Star (NEWS LINK):

Q:  Tell me the strengths of the high-pitched power voice Park Jimin and the low/mid-pitched soul Lee Hayi.  ('폭풍 고음박지민과 '소울 중저음이하이의 장점은.)

A:  Jimin's got the music in her. She gave a totally different rendition of "Mercy" on live stage from the rehearsal. I think she has the outstanding "feel" for the stage 'cause (in the final) she ad-libbed in spite of herself. I think ad-libbing itself came out (of nowhere) just like an energy. (This sentence is quite unclear even in Korean.) (박지민은  안에 음악이 녹아있다생방송 무대에서 '머시' 리허설 때와 리듬을 완전히 다르게 불렀다무대에서 뭔가 느낄  있는 '' 뛰어난  같다자기도 모르게 애드리브로 불렀더라 자체가 에너지로  닿은  같다.)

Hayi's got the charismatic presence on stage - and even off stage. Sometimes she's aloof, sometimes she's like a kid, and sometimes she's very focused. Hayi has the "it" factor as a "star" while Jimin as a singer. Even Hayi's voice is really unique in Korea. Even though Jimin won the final, we don't know what will happen (i.e., who will win) in the professional scene.  (이하이는 무대 위에서 카리스마가 있다심지어 무대 아래에서도 있다시큰둥하면서도 어린 감정을 보였다가 갑자기 집중하기도 한다박지민이 가수로서의 '' 있다면 이하이는 스타로서의 '' 있다목소리도 한국에서 보기 힘든 목소리다. 1위는 박지민이 했지만프로 무대에서는 어떻게 될지   없다.)

Q:  I guess those contestants with outstanding singing ability are currently receiving management offers from various agencies, right?  (수준급 실력을 보인 참가자들에게 러브콜이 많이 올텐데.)

A:  There have been continuous offers coming in. Lots of producers keep coming to check (the contestants). I told the producers I would talk with them after the final. Of course, all our contestants are surely free to (make a contract and) debut with "any" agencies. I hope I can hear good news from all of them.  (Laughs)  (계속 섭외가 온다많은 제작자가 와서 체크하더라방송이 끝나면 얘기하겠다고 말했다당연히 우리 프로에 참가했던 친구들은 어느 기획사를 통해서든 가수에 데뷔할  있다다들 좋은 소식을 들려줬으면 좋겠다.(웃음))

Hayi on "The Strong Heart": Image from the show's webpage 

 Hayi approaching to sing Yim Jaebeom's "For You" in front of the
YG crew while she was training there for the casting audition.

Hayi waiting for her turn to sing Yim Jaebeom's "For You"
for the c
asting audition

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