Back 2 campus: My Teaching Experience

This week, I had an opportunity to spend about 6 days in academic institutions. This time on the other side of the desk. After about 7 years working for corporate, this was a nice break-getting to spend time interacting with students.

Our company had hired few hundred students from a popular university in Chennai and couple of trainings were planned in their campus, to gear up the new hires for corporate life. Taking break from regular work, I volunteered to be one of the trainers and hence got a chance to meet and interact with these students.

I had given brief talks to a hall full of audience earlier- these lasted for an hour or two max and it had other dignitaries on stage while I spoke. Handling a class of 60+ students for full 5 days, without any aid was new experience for me.

It was little uncomfortable situation on day 1, with everyone calling me "Sir", giving lot of respect and obeying the instructions. I only had to deliver the already designed course ware. I tried making it as interesting as possible. Hope I succeeded at it.

While those standing on the stage (lecturers, speakers) think they have a great deal of information and knowledge to share, but students are least interested. On the other side, students already suffer from an overdose of teaching and tend to take these sessions as yet another mandatory thing they need to survive.

Trying to keep the students interested in the session, preventing them from falling asleep, identifying those who never participate in any activity/interaction and making them open up, dealing with the mischievous ones and handling wide range of requests- to leave early, permission to come late and so on- all these were nice experience.

Their frustration of having attended so many lecturers over 4 years (and before) is understandable, as I also went through the same life cycle. They also had lot of apprehensions and excitement about next phase of their life, which is again understandable.

Many of the questions freshers will have is common across companies. I will try to publish a separate post answering those questions.

Also gave a talk on social media at Tumkur University. More on this later.

Shuttling to college 40 kms from home everyday, doing office work in between, preparing for a weekend talk on social media kept me busy for whole of last week, hence there was hardly any update on the blog

Related: My Journalism Experience * My talk at LIBA * Blogging workshop at MSRIT * Social media for students

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