Quick action promised on Vancouver riot blipped.

Vancouver's mayor and the B.C. government say they'll act swiftly on recommendations coming out of a report on the Stanley Cup riot.

"Before the riot happened, Premier Clark was asked if she would commit resources, policing resources, in order to help the city of Vancouver. And she said, 'No, that's a municipal responsibility."

  • Police makes 53 recommendations including better planning and training for large events and more efforts to seize alcohol from people on public transit.

  • City calls for use of more closed-circuit surveillance cameras at big events and estimates the overall cost of the riot at $1.9 million.

  • The review also advised TransLink, the transit authority in Metro Vancouver, to develop a way to deal with alcohol use on or near its system.

  • Members of the public will have a chance to voice their thoughts on the riot at a Vancouver city council meeting next Tuesday.

Have time on your hands? Original article here.

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