Idea to get Jan Lokpal Bill passed

As Anna Hazare and team are doing a great job mobilizing India against corruption, while congress led UPA government continues do mistakes after mistakes dealing with the situation I am sharing an idea to get Jan Lokpal Bill passed.

·         We’ve list of all 500+ sitting MPs (Member of Pariament) whose vote is critical to convert a bill into a law.
·         Approach each one of them, one by one and check if they support Team Anna’s version of lokpal bill.
·         If they agree, make them issue a public statement in support of Jan Lokpal Bill. Else a signature campaign can be carried out in the constituencies of respective MPs who do not agree.
·         If with a signature campaign we can prove that majority of the people there support the Jan Lokpal Bill and want their MP to endorse it, convey the same to these MPs
·         If message can be conveyed that these MPs will NOT be elected in next election if they don’t support the bill, chances are that one by one all our MPs may agree to Jan Lokpal Bill drafted by team anna.
·         If the list of supporting MPs grows considerably, battle is almost won.

Politicians are opportunistic a lot and if they sense their political future depends on how they react to Jan LokPal bill, I feel many of them might come forward to support. Not all will agree and not everywhere the initiative may succeed, but if we can get good number of MPs to support it, we stand much better chance.

Considering the nationwide support Anna’s initiative is gathering, above looks feasible. If small group of MPs agree to the Jan Lokpal Bill initially and few more can be made to agree after signature campaign, slowly we can see MPs changing side and soon we’ll have good enough number of MPs supporting Anna’s version of Jan Lokpal Bill.

Do share your thoughts if you think this is feasible.

I wish all the success to Team Anna in their crusade against corruption and express my full support.

Image sourced from internet

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