How to design a popular programming language

This has been kicking around in my brain for at least half a decade, and if you know me well then I've probably spoken it aloud in your presence; so it's high time to get it down in writing. Here is my Grand Unified Theory of Programming Language Adoption. There are three steps:

  1. Find a new platform that will be a huge success in a few years.

  2. Make your language the default way to program on that platform.

  3. Wait.

That is all. Note that none of the above steps has anything to do with the language design itself. In fact, nearly all popular languages are terribly designed. Languages become popular by being the "native" way to program a certain kind of system. All of history's most widely used programming languages fit this model — Fortran (scientific programming), C (Unix), C++ (MS Windows), JavaScript (web pages), Objective-C (Mac OS X), . . .

Or, in fewer words: Languages ride platforms to popularity.

Why is this so? Well, to a first approximation, no piece of software ever gets rewritten in another language; and once a critical mass of software for a platform has been written in one language, nearly all the rest will follow, for two reasons:

  • Nobody has figured out how to make cross-language interoperability work well.

  • The network effects from language adoption are immense. Programming is, despite appearances, a deeply social profession. To write successful software quickly, you must exploit the skills of other programmers — either directly, by hiring them, or indirectly, by using library software they've written. And once a language becomes the most popular in a niche, the supply of both programmers and libraries for that language rapidly accumulates to the point where it becomes economically irrational to use any other language.

In fact, I claim that in all the history of programming languages, no language has ever successfully unseated the dominant language for programming on any platform. Instead, a new platform gets invented and a new language becomes the "founding language" for that platform.

Well, OK, there are exactly two exceptions: Java and Python. It took me a while to figure out what happened in those cases, and the answers I came up with were surprising (to me).

Java is anomalous because although it is widely used in its primary domain (Internet application servers), it is not predominant, the way that e.g. C++ is predominant in writing native Windows GUIs. My explanation is that the web architecture has a uniquely high-quality interoperability protocol in the form of HTTP and HTML(/XML/JSON/...). Hey, stop laughing. HTTP and HTML fail all kinds of subjective measures of elegance, but they succeed in isolating clients and servers so well that it is economically viable to write the server in any language. In other words, as unbelievable as it sounds, HTTP and HTML are the only example in history of cross-language interoperability working really well.

I'll abandon this explanation if I can find, in all the annals of computing, another protocol that connected diverse software components as successfully as HTTP and HTML. The only things I can think of that come close are (a) ASCII text over Unix pipes or (b) ODBC, and neither of these provide nearly the same richness or connect components of similar diversity.

Python is anomalous because rather than riding a new platform to success, it simply seems to be displacing Perl, PHP, etc. in the existing domains of shell scripting, text processing, and light web application servers. My explanation is that Python appears to be the only language in history whose design was so dramatically better than its competitors' that programmers willingly switched, en masse, primarily because of the language design itself. This says something, I think, both about Python and about its competitors.

Incidentally, this theory predicts that all the new(ish) programming languages attracting buzz these days — whether Ruby, or Scala, or Clojure, or Go, or whatever — will fail to attract large numbers of programmers.* (Unless, of course, those languages attach themselves to a popular new platform.)

UPDATE 2010-05-15: Reddit and HN weigh in.

*Which is fine. Very few languages become hugely popular, and in fact nearly all languages die without ever seeing more than a handful of users. Being either influential (so that later languages pick up your ideas), or even merely useful to a significant user population, are fine accomplishments.

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