Promoting few good causes
What better way to start blogging on own domain name than promoting few good causes?
Kiran Bedi’s new mission- Safer India
India’s most respected lady police officer Kiran Bedi’s new initiative is called Mission Safer India. - The vision India foundation headed by Kiran Bedi can step in if your local police station doesn’t register your complaint or doesn’t act on your complaint.
Sridhar Heggod needs your help.
Sridhar N. Shanubhag, popularly known as Sridhar Heggodu, an author, translator and theater personality, met with a freak road accident in April, 2006. He was treated at KMC, Manipal; life was saved but the spinal cord couldn’t be rejuvenated. Sridhar, once the nerve centre of NINASAM,(A prominent Kannada Theater training institute) Heggodu, is paralyzed down the neck. A new ray of hope for him and his family is Stem cell Therapy, the cost of which his family is not able to bear. It will be great if you can extend a bit of help by contributing a little for his treatment. Refer this post for further details. You may mail to if you're willing to help
Dream India Project
Dream India project appears to have lots of aspirations in it. Spend some time at the site and see if you can join hands with the team members.
Kiran Bedi’s new mission- Safer India
India’s most respected lady police officer Kiran Bedi’s new initiative is called Mission Safer India. - The vision India foundation headed by Kiran Bedi can step in if your local police station doesn’t register your complaint or doesn’t act on your complaint.
Sridhar Heggod needs your help.
Sridhar N. Shanubhag, popularly known as Sridhar Heggodu, an author, translator and theater personality, met with a freak road accident in April, 2006. He was treated at KMC, Manipal; life was saved but the spinal cord couldn’t be rejuvenated. Sridhar, once the nerve centre of NINASAM,(A prominent Kannada Theater training institute) Heggodu, is paralyzed down the neck. A new ray of hope for him and his family is Stem cell Therapy, the cost of which his family is not able to bear. It will be great if you can extend a bit of help by contributing a little for his treatment. Refer this post for further details. You may mail to if you're willing to help
Dream India Project
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