Summary of posts: July-August-September-2007

Giving quick summary of various posts published during July 2007 to September 2007, so that it will serve as quick reference to first time visitors. Those with star mark are the most popular and or highly recommended ones.

Quick in post navigation: Summary of posts: July 07 | August 07 | September 2007| April-June 07

July 2007: 7 Posts [Archive]

Manufacturing vs Services Industry-@ a glance
Quick comparison in a tabular format, how manufacturing and service industry differs

About the ladies who call me every day
A lot of unsolicited commercial calls on your cell? This post narrates this incident in a humorous way.

Why Free Reliance Data card offer makes no sense…
I didn’t opt for Free Reliance Datacard offer that came with HP notebook. This post explains why.

Can't Tatas buy Volvo from Ford?
Without knowing that Volvo trucks and Volvo cars are different entities, I wrote this post suggesting that TATA should buy Volvo instead of Land Rover or jaguar…

Surviving traffic police in India
A bunch of tips to reduce the inconvenience you might face if you happen to encounter traffic police in India.

Publish new post by sending email
This post explains how you can publish new posts at your blog by simply sending an email from any mail box, without having to logging in to blogger, make half a dozen clicks and publish.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte buy a defective dictionary?...
A small joke about Napoleon’s statement “There’s no such word called ‘impossible’ in my dictionary”

August 2007 19 Posts [Archive]Go to TOP
Star Logo small Yaari, Desktopdating and other ill mannered websit...

How does it feel if someone sends unsolicited invitations to your contacts under your identity without your knowledge? Many of the social networking websites are doing just that, to increase their member base. Full details.

· Blog Review and Blog Poll…

RT Cunningham, whose blog is within top 10000 technorati ranking, reviewed my blog and made some serious observations. Some contents related to this, my blog layout and about the poll I ran recently-A quick introspection in this post.

· How to blog in Kannada (and Hindi, Tamil, Telugu a...

For those who are new for blogging and would like to know how they can blog in regional languages…


Had written an article on snooping during my engineering days which was published in Silicon Times, a Bangalore based computer magazine, of which I was a member of editorial board. Felt like reproducing that article here.

· Shrinidhi in ETV Show-Recorded video

Way back in 2002, I’d participated in an ETV Kannada debate show. Recorded video clipping of that show and related information in this post.

· Radios are not that cheap

When I’d gone to buy a portable AM radio, I find that radios haven’t become that cheap either. A quick analysis.

Star Logo small Supermarket Super savings-A word of Caution

When you see the extra ordinary discounts at Super and Hyper markets, you expect to take home the discounts when you buy from them. But then, chances are you might have paid more than what you thought. An analysis.

· How to tell if a Tractor wheel is punctured?

Tractor tube is very huge… How to detect if it has suffered a pierce?

· Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Fundamentals

SEO basics and significance explained in most simple language

· Rs. 10 OFF-Lifetime Offer on Samsung TV!!!

I made a quick observation in a newspaper ad-Samsung dealer was giving a grand Rs.10 OFF on a TV and had issued a half page ad for that…Details.

Star Logo small MoserBaer cheap CD/DVDs-Kill Piracy

Moserbaer India is selling several original movie VCDs and DVDs at rock bottom prices. This post provides all related details -availability, pricing, collection, problems, business background etc.

· Attention! A.P.Tourism

One of the AP tourism sign boards was a bit misleading due to incorrect information therein. Details in this post.

· Best of 2006-Quick recap of Posts

Some 53 odd good posts published last year (2006) and around 25 of them are identified as good ones: Short listed here with quick summary.

· Brand building tips for Club Mahindra

Club Mahindra appears to have a very poor attitude towards its members and most of its life members are unhappy as they are not getting confirmed bookings and customer relationship is apparently non existent. This post lists some simple actions for Club Mahindra executives to take up which may increase member satisfaction and thereby grows business.

· Ramoji Film City-Photo Slideshow

A bunch of photos taken at Ramoji Film City…Presented in the form of a slide show…

· Search Engine musings

Lists some odd combination of search strings through which readers came to this blog…

· Do NOT COPY PASTE-Try this instead (tips to avoid ...

Tells you how you can quote an external post, add your inputs and views to it and publish by giving due credit to original writer…This ensures you wont be blamed for violation of intellectual property rights.

· MS discontinues Office Assistants from Office 2007...

No more office assistants once you migrate to Office 2007. A narrative account.

· Club Mahindra Article tops search Engine

I found that my earlier article on Club Mahindra is topping search engine queries related to Club Mahindra. This post gives related details.

September 2007 8 posts [Archive]Go to TOP

Star Logo smallFree sanitation for all...
Why can't we make public toilets free of cost for end users by showing advertisements inside? That will make the city clean place to live in. Full proposal...

Chennai gets volvo CIty buses...
Chennai MTC launches Volvo City buses...Quick report

Book Review: IT HAPPENED in INDIA-Kishore Biyani
Kishore Biyani is the man behind most of today’s retail outlets we see in India including Big Bazaar, Central, Bang Factory, Pantaloons etc. He published his semi autobiography (as it is co authored by Dipayan Baisha). I did a book review of this post at the above post (this review got identified as Review of the Day at )

Star Logo smallHow Google can make Orkut a better place on net (A suggestion)
A small idea wherein I said Google should verify physical authenticity of each orkut member. Many feel it is not feasible. Read and let me know what you think

Cyber Begging-Ask Money for anything and everything...
An article I’d written during my engineering days about Cyber Begging (A phenomenon where people ask for free money online under various pretexts.

Star Logo smallBig Bazaar-Things you would like to Know
A set of facts related to Big bazaar, which you might be interested in Knowing, as a consumer…

Your blog can make or break your career! Achtung!
Your next employer might be reading your blog to decide if he/she should hire you or not…

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